

  1. 地域住民が生涯にわたりいかなる局面においても、健康で明るい生活を送れるように努力します。
  2. 地域住民とともにより安全、かつ安心できる医療体制の構築に努めます。
  3. 医学、医療の発展と質の向上を目指します。
  4. 疾病予防、各種健(検)診の充実および効率化を図るよう大田区および地域住民と連携していきます。
  5. 会員の健康、社会生活を守り、医師としての任を全うできる環境を整えるよう協力します。
  6. 社会貢献活動、市民健康教育を通じ、地域住民の福祉増進を目指します。
  7. 災害時医療対策を自治体との協力のもと充実させます。

Guiding Principles 2024

The Omori Medical Association, driven by a deep sense of professional ethics and vocation, strives for the realization of a society in which human dignity is highly respected.

  1. We work to ensure that the residents in the local community enjoy healthy and happy lives throughout their lifetimes.
  2. We work together with the local residents to build safer and more secure healthcare services.
  3. We contribute to improving the quality and development of medicine and medical care.
  4. We collaborate with the local administration and residents in Ota-ku for the improvement and efficacy of disease prevention and health examinations.
  5. We support the creation of an environment to protect the health and social lives of the (OMA) members so that they are able to fulfill their duties as medical professionals.
  6. We enhance the welfare of the residents in the community by providing health education and working on social engagement activities
  7. We collaborate with the local administration to improve medical care in times of disaster.